Welcome to Florida Small Business Legal Center of Miramar

Convenient Location: 3350 Southwest 148th Ave. Suite 110 Miramar, FL 33027

The Florida Small Business Legal Center (FSBLC) in Miramar is just what it sounds like; legal services aimed at the small business community in Miramar, FL. Large corporations have a staff of highly paid attorneys which small businesses neither need nor can afford. FSBLC is here when you need us and not costing you when you don’t. Small business owners should however talk with us before entering into any business contracts. We can assist in designing a contract that serves your best interests. In this way, contract disputes can be avoided, and difference resolutions can be settled in the beginning.

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    Core Practice Areas

    Business Law

    Business Law

    Trademark Law

    Trademark Law

    Franchise Law

    Franchise Law

    Commercial Litigation

    Commercial Litigation

    Contract Law

    Contract Law

    Business Litigation

    Business Litigation

    Litigation can be stressful and almost always involves a disagreement over an existing contract. Resolution of the disagreement requires an expert in Business Litigation who can devote the time and energy to the process so that you can continue to run your business and not be side-tracked.

    Contract Disputes

    Contract Disputes

    Contract disputes generally arise due to a misunderstanding on the part of one or more participants in the contract. Disputes can be related to specific details such as delivery times, availability of products or services, or payment issues. A thorough review of the contract prior to signing can eliminate or avoid many but not all disputes. When a dispute arises, you need an experienced small business attorney to resolve the matter.

    Contracts Review and Drafting

    Contracts Review and Drafting

    On of FSBLC’s strong suits is the drafting and review of their clients’ contracts, before signing. Contracts in today’s environment must be in writing and must be very specific. The old days of doing business with a handshake is no longer a viable option. Contracts ideally should be developed with an attorney who is familiar with small business practices. In this way, details can be addressed so that all parties fully understand and there will be no room for misinterpretation or disputes.

    Why We Are Different

    The Florida Small Business Legal Center of Miramar is not like a lot of the other law firms in the Miramar area. FSBLC specializes in small business and the unique issues you face. There are focus areas that small businesses face that large corporations with their large staff of in-house attorneys just do not see. Our Goal is to Help You Succeed! ™
    Our miramar Office Location

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